Allow us to create a lush and neutral hand-tied bouquet featuring the finest elements of the day. We will design a bouquet that includes a beautiful mix of soft and neutral coloured flowers, airy greenery and a few very popular dried elements such as pampas. A gorgeous gift that will thrill any recipient.
Upgrade to include the very cool ‘Macey’ vase, if you wish.
$95.00 – $140.00
Delivery Policy
Kindly note that ongoing supply chain challenges may affect the availability of specific flowers, colors, and varieties. Due to limited and inconsistent imports, we cannot guarantee all products will arrive as planned. Consequently, flower or container substitutions might be required. Rest assured, our designers will select the finest options available and maintain the design’s style, theme, and integrity. Any substitutions will only involve equal or higher-priced elements.
© 2025 Lilies White Floral Studio