This bouquet style is designed in a fully upright fashion with various florals and greenery positioned in a bit of a popping up and down and in and out texture. The shape leans towards round but is textured, and looser and offers more ‘up and down’ than the ‘round and compact’ style.
We offer the most popular colours of the day, choose your colour palette and we will gather the best of the season to design your custom bridal bouquet.
Please keep in mind that not all colours in all flowers are available year-round.
Each bouquet is uniquely crafted based on your preferences so while it may not be a replica of any of our photos, rest assured we will design a custom bouquet in keeping with the design aesthetic for the shape, colour preference, notes, etc.
Please note that ‘Standard, Deluxe and Premium’ refers to the volume/lushness as opposed to the actual size~meaning more flowers, layered flowers, higher-end blooms and greenery etc.
Please take advantage of the ‘Notes to the Designer’ box to let us know what is important to you, ie greenery or no greenery, type/colour of greenery or flowers, ribbon treatment (ie, tails or no tails) etc. Or, if there is an image you like, use this space to let us know! If no additional info is offered, we will set the bouquet to ‘best advantage’, meaning whatever we think will look the best!!
*If you are choosing a monochromatic colour (using a range of only 1 colour) , let us know in the ‘Notes to the Designer’ box.
For a deeper dive into colour palettes, please see our wedding FAQ page.
If we have any questions we will not be shy to reach out to you. We are very transparent and our goal is your absolute delight in what we design for you!!
$175.00 – $295.00
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© 2025 Lilies White Floral Studio